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Results - Secondary Schools Final Day

Results - Secondary Schools Final Day

A bit of rain wasn't enough to dampen the spirits of the 1000+ paddlers at this years Secondary School Waka Ama Sprint Champs

The introduction of the WT12 mixed racing was one of the highlights of the event. This year has event, has been the biggest regatta to date, with over 80 schools attending from right across the country.

With four different events and only three days of racing, we have to thank each and every paddler and manager for helping to make this a smooth running event.

Chamions for 2007 are
Jnr Mixed WT12 250m
- Rotorua Boys/Girls High School
Snr Mixed WT12 250m
- Gisborne Boys/Girls High School

Jnr Boys W1 250m
- Brandon Wilson - Trident High School
Jnr Girls W1 250m
- Keita Holes - Wellington Girls College
Snr Boys W1 250m
- Sean Herbert - Broadwood Area School
Snr Girls W1 250m
- Tania Hill - Gisborne Girls High School

Jnr Boys W6 250m
- Kaituna - Rotorua Boys High School
Jnr Girls W6 250m
- GGHS Jnr 1 - Gisborne Girls High School
Snr Boys W6 250m
- Gisborne Boys High Snr - Gisborne Boys High School
Snr Girls W6 250m
- GGHS Snr 1 - Gisborne Girls High School

Jnr Boys W6 500m
- Kaituna - Rotorua Boys High School
Jnr Girls W6 500m
- GGHS Jnr 2 - Gisborne Girls High School
Snr Boys W6 500m
- BAS Boys - Broadwood Area School
Snr Girls W6 500m
- Te Manuka-tu-tahi - Whakatane High School

Top school trophy went too Gisborne Girls High, followed closely by Gisborne Boys High

Participation trophy went to Onehunga High School, a big thank you to the team from Onehunga who helped out for 2 days out in the rain in the loading bay

And of course last but definately not least, a special mention to every volunteer who helped to make this event happen.

We hope you enjoyed your time and we will see you next year...


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