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Bereavement  - Ken Gilbert

Bereavement - Ken Gilbert

Tena koutou i tenei wa pouri, It is with heavy hearts and much sadness that we inform Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa whanau of the sudden passing of one of our rangatira in the sport of wakaama.

Mr Kenneth (Ken) Gilbert from the Taniwha Outrigging Canoe Club passed away suddenly on Saturday 31st March 2007 in Tauranga.

Ken is not only a great loss to his Team (Grizzlies) his Club Taniwha, but also to the AROCA region and the wider paddling fraternity.

Our members send their deepest sympathy and condolences to Ken’s whanau during this sad time.

Our thoughts and aroha go out to the whanau pani in their moment of grief.

Ken will be sadly missed by the wakaama whanau o aotearoa.

Takoto mai e koro
hoea atu to waka
ki te hui nui o te mano
takoto rangimarie
i runga i to waka
takoto, takoto, takoto
e te rangatira