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Photos - Kaiwi Channel Relay

So this Sunday we crossed the Kaiwi Channel from Molokai to Oahu, and as the gps says for mine and pauls day, distance 66.06km, time 5hrs31mins, average speed 11.9km, max speed 24.4km, calories burned 4801, lol.

What a day! An awesome experience, the learning curve to surfing the waves is a steep one, as we got faster the further into the race we got. passing a lot of teams in the last 2 hours.

Seeing the other two NZ teams Pete & Eldon, Kingi & Nick with the biggest smiles as the crossed the finish line is priceless, all had good time paddling the channel.

Results, links to news paper articles here at www.ocpaddler.com

A big thank you to all that helped us to get to Hawaii, Maui for supplying us with his very own Wainui, Beachboys Canoe club for hosting us, Willy & Verena that escorted us, Bernd Sommer for supplying the paddles and of course Goodyear and the boy of Hei Matau. And Mum and Dad.

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