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Mokoia Challenge Update

Mokoia Challenge Update

Meet the Challenge - W1 rudderless and ruddered Waka Ama race around Mokoia Island. The W6 race will take a break this year...

The Mokoia Challenge welcomes a new race.

This year it introduces a W1 and W2 race which will be known as Te Motu Tapu a Tinirau. Mokoia Island was originally known as Te Motu Tapu a Tinirau (the pet whale of Tinirau), as the outline resembled the shape of a whale, the pet of a famous ancestor called Tinirau.

Race day is Saturday September 11 2010.
One race starting at 9am with everyone on the start line to race around Mokoia Island - Should be exciting!

* J19 up to Senior Masters Rudderless and Ruddered.
* Cash prizes for first across the line in all eligible categories.
* Major Spot Prize - 500.00 cash!
* Great hospitality with a hot and satisfying meal to warm up afterwards included.
* A race cap
* The cost: 40.00

Register your interest to email:
[email protected]

Paddlers should have some experience with W1 and W2 races.

More info to be released soon (The rules, safety, etc,)

Shake off Winter and welcome back Spring - Do the challenge!

Hosted by Te Au Rere Waka Ama Club.