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Porirua Sports Awards

Porirua Sports Awards

Nominees Mandy Hatton for Coach of the Year (junior crew Don't Touch My Food), Grant Barriball (sports person of the year) and Marinna Millanta-Lowrey (service to sport) attended the Porirua Sports Awards on Thu 30th Sep

An event hosted by the Mana Community Grants Foundation based in Porirua (Wellington) who have provided financial assistance to a number of the Hoe Tonga contingent members for this and past World championship competitions.

The event was MC'd by Mr Ken Laban, Deputy Mayor for Porirua Letia Ah Hoi and local dignitaries featuring past Mayor John Burke, current outgoing Mayor Jenny Brash, Hon Winnie Laban, Hekia Parata local MP for National and guest speaker Mr Richard Taylor (very very entertaining and interesting athletics story).

Mandy (Hawaikinui/Mana Pasifika) and of W1 World Champion status in 2006, Grant (Mana Pasifika) current W1 Master Men World Champion and Marinna (Hawaikinui) known for her Manager and NZ Coordinator roles were each one of the three finalists in their respective categories up for grabs last week.

While not winners on this occasion they acknowledge the support of the region and their club members in their endeavours.

Special thanks go Mana Community Grants Foundation for their continued support of things wakaama, to Hoe Tonga's regional committee for supporting their efforts and the paddling whanau who have contributed to the goal of World representation.


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