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The Great Lake Race




Sat 6th Nov 2010




Ruamata Waka Ama Club

Contact Details

Name: David


The Great Lake Race is on for 6th November 2010 where you as an iron man competitor can race against fellow 6 man paddlers in a race over 2 Lakes including Rotorua and Rotoiti using Ohau Channel as the link.

A 10 am start to the race from Ngongotaha Reserve at the western end of Lake Rotorua for divisions from Open through to Golden Master is available to finish at the Hinehopu Reserve, Lake Rotoiti that day.

You are invited to enter at $30 per paddler to enable you to complete the great discovery of Ihenga when he found these Lakes.

Ruamata Wakaama Club is asking that you register by 29th October 2010 by sending your entry to either [email protected] or [email protected]

with fees payable on the day or by Rawiri Rangitauira (073574335 or 0212432171) emailing the bank account details once you have registered.

A hangi will be available to you at $10 each payable over and above your paddler fee.

Not only will this be a further race for Long Distance as you finish the NKOA LDN at Whakatane but it will also be a lead in to the Cook Island races that will be happening in the month of November.

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