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Hawaikui Nui 2010 - Team Kamanu

Hawaikui Nui 2010 - Team Kamanu

Just completed the Hawaikui Nui 2010 with Team Kamanu (incl Nga Hoe Horo/Herberts Conan Herbert, Mario Mausio, Pineula Kingi Gilbert).

Was totally amazing. A beautiful race in beautiful islands. Very tough. Some pictures and a report coming soon.

Our hosts Paddling Connection came 3rd overall, an amazing achievement as they are a family team competing against businesses (Shell, OPT, EDT).

We are happy to experience for the first time and dream one-day of a team from Aotearoa making the top 10.

Some pictures are up on the site but there should be more media soon on ocpaddler.com

Photo Gallery courtesty of Paddle-Planet