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Results - Auckland Secondary School Champs

Results - Auckland Secondary School Champs

Please find attached the results from Saturdays regatta! It was an Awesome day! the weather was perfect and the racing was mean!

Special thanks to all of the volunteers and clubs from the Auckland Region for making the day such a great success. What a great team of people we have!

This year was the first year that we have included W12 racing into the programme and it was such a success that we will include it into next years regatta too.

The Senior Regatta 2011 is scheduled for 5th March and the Junior regatta is scheduled 12th November

I have a couple of photos from the weekend, but didnt get time to take as many as I would have liked. If youhave any that you wouldnt mind sharing with me. Could you please email them my way.

Once again thanks everyone for such an great day!

Kind regards
