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NKOA - Steering Clinic Gisborne

NKOA - Steering Clinic Gisborne

On Saturday 14th November approximately 60 people attended the first of a series of steering Clinics to be held in regions around the country

Lara Collins with assistance from Raipoia and Matahi Brightwell delivered a seminar session for 2 hours that covered (but wasn't limited to) Safety, Steering Strokes and Technique, conditions, wind, current, Turns at Nationals, Over correcting and Body Alignment.

We then headed down to Anzac Park and loaded into Waka. Raipoia, Kiwi Campbell, Matahi and Lara sat on the back of the waka and critiqued Steerers as they had a turn to practice steering for 10 minutes each.

The Steering Clinic was well attended; Juniors, Open and Master/Senior Master paddlers were present. There were first time Steerers and those who have been steering for some time.

Everyone (including those that delivered the session) managed to get something out of it and there were plenty of light bulbs appearing above peoples heads throughout the day.

Thanks to Raipoia, Matahi and Kiwi for their input and help with the day.

Keep an eye out on the website for a Steering clinic in a your region.

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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