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Ruamata - W1 Notice

Ruamata - W1 Notice

The following Singles paddlers should avail themselves for practice at 7am on Saturday 11th December 2010 at Waikuta

Tui Hirst(JI16),Peata Nuku,Georgia Naera,Pania Taylor,Waihuia Hohepa(Intermediate),Barry Phillips,Pack Wallace(GMM);Hone Edwards,Wairangi Jones(SMM);Stephen Hohepa,Rehua Pussell, Malcolm Hohepa and RobertKautai( MM);Jordan Edmunds (OM) Stephanie George,Tuhia Hohepa and Kayla Pene (J19) and Nona Hohepa and Wiremu Poinga( J19),Cathy Dewes,Thomasina Pirika and Te Rua Wallace (GMW)