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Results - Nga Hoe Horo Regatta

Nga Hoe Horo would like to acknowledge everyone who participated at our 23rd Regatta

The day started looking like we would have much needed rain – alas we had wonderful sunshine and very happy paddlers. (no water for the veggie garden)

One hundred and seven youth paddlers registered and enjoyed the day with spot prizes being called and it definitely was about numbers Nga Kaitiaki O Hokianga took more than a large bite of the spot prizes. Ngati Rehia new, but out there. Lovely to see all the Tai Tokerau clubs supporting.

To encourage youth participation all paddlers J19 down were free of charge. Senior paddlers got the opportunity to paddle against. Elite paddlers and the Nana’s and Papa’s were happy to sit in the shade and barrack for their person or team

Once again thank you have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year and see you next year at the Nationals..
