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Nats 2011 - Waka Hire

Nats 2011 - Waka Hire

Waka Hireage for Nats 2011

NKOA are seeking Mahi Mahi for the 2011 Nationals.

42 Waka are required to ensure the event runs smoothly. If your club has Mahi Mahi that are available to be used please email [email protected].

We would appreciate if you could indicate whether you have someone who is able to tow the waka or not.

We will co-ordinate the towage of Waka from various regions where possible and utilse waka from areas closer to Karapiro where possible.

Waka will be insured for the duration of the event and will need to be on site no later than noon 5pm Sunday 16th January.

Attached is a copy of the Waka Hire agreement.

Should you have any questions please contact [email protected]

Kind regards
