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Nats 2011 - DVD & Photos

Nats 2011 - DVD & Photos

At the last NKOA meeting (13 Feb), each region was given a bag of DVD's and photos DVD's.

Each club gets a copy of the 2010 Nationals Highlights on DVD. (2011 will follow once the DVD becomes available from Maori TV)

And every club that attended nationals also gets a set of DVD's with all the photos from nationals in high-resolution.

You can collect them from your regional reps
- Robert Gabel (TTPCA Representative)
- Sam Walters (AROCA Representative)
- Hellen Messenger (TPOTI Representative)
- Kapua Waikari (TUOTR Representative)
- Marinna Millanta-Lowery (HTPWAA Representative)
- Shaun Hardcastle (TWoA Representative)

If we have missed anyone, just let your rep know, and we will arrange some more copies.