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Reminder - Bo's Race

Reminder to get your entry in for the Bo Herbert Memorial ASAP

YOUTH PRIZE: Nga Hoe Horo Outrigger Canoe Club are sponsoring a Brand New Tai Paddle to the first Under 25 year old to complete the Solo 30km

Prizes from Moananui, Schnappa Rock, Tai Paddles, Louise Henderson, Dive Tutukaka and Maui Jim

We are grateful to have support from Mitamitaga, Te Puu Ao, Paul Wilford - Ocean Elements and Lion Nathan - Steinlager

Any entries on the day will be $80 instead of $70

Check out entries at

At this stage with the conditions forecasted, the race will start at Matapouri - head north towards Whananaki - head south to Whangaumu/ Wellingtons then turn north again finishing at Kowharewa Bay (this was the race course in 2009)

See you at Kowharewa Bay 9am Saturday
Nga mihi
Herbert Whanau