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Reminder - Aotearoa Aito Entries

Dont forget to get your entries in for this years Air Tahiti Nui Aotearoa Aito Race!

Race Categories & Distances:
Men 24km
Women 12km
Junior Men (J19) 12km
Junior Women (J19) 12km
Adult Short Coarse (Any Age) 6km
Junior Short Coarse (Minimum Age 12) 6km
Tamariki (8-10 & 11-12) 3km

There must be a minimum of 5 paddlers in a specific category for it to be acknowledged
The Major prize of the ticket to Tahiti will be the first across the line. In the Following categories: Men (24km), Women (12km), Junior Men (J19 -12km), and Junior Women (J19 12km).

EVERY ENTRY GOES IN THE DRAW FOR A MAUI CANOE V1 Hotrigger Aito with Snap-lock/clip-on alloy kiatos
(you must be present at the venue for the spot prize draw)

What is he Cost?
If you enter before the closing date (14th April midnight)

$60 Women 12km, Junior 12km , Men 24km (Includes race entry, race shirt, Draw for Maui Kanu & chance to win a Trip to Tahiti)
$40 Short Course (Women, Men, Junior) (Includes race entry and race shirt, draw for Maui Kanu)
$20 Tamariki 3km (Includes race entry and cotton race T-Shirt and draw for Maui Kanu) NEW Catagory

We will accept entries on the day however the Entry Fee will be $10 extra – So if you dont want to pay $10 more and not be garuanteed a shirt…make sure you enter by the 14th midnight!

