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Results - Air Tahiti Nui Aotearoa Aito

Results - Air Tahiti Nui Aotearoa Aito

Miserable conditions still brought out lots of smiling faces and competitiveness on Saturday at the 3rd Annual Air Tahiti Nui Aotearoa Aito

We were lucky to have guests with us competiting from; Perth, Brisbane, Tahiti and New Caledonia as well as paddlers from throughout Aotearoa; 103 V1 paddlers in total!

This year we introduced the Tamariki Race, and although the conditions we cold, wet and windy, we still had 8 very keen tamariki out racing. Hopefully over the coming years this catagory will grow to have lots of keen juniors training up to give it a go.

Air Tahiti Nui Tickets to compete in Te Aito in July went to:
Men: Conan Herbert
Woman: Vesna Radonich
Junior Man: Josh Perese
Junior Woman: Milla Brown

First man and women accros the line were Jerry Mihimana from New Caledonia and Kinu Lucas from Tahiti. They were both awarded with full Carbon Viper paddles from out friends at Viper Vaa Tahiti

The Maui Kanu AITO V1 was won by Lyn Haddrup! Who was stoked to win the beautiful canoe! www.mauikanu.co.nz

Full results are available at Aito Results

Start training now for Aotearoa Aito 2012!!

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