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Westport Waka Ama Whanau Ora Day

Westport Waka Ama Whanau Ora Day

Despite the inclement weather conditions forecast for the weekend, the Rata Te Awhina Trust in conjunction with the Nelson Whakatu Marae Waka Ama Club decided that the whanau day at Marr’s Beach near the Mouth of the Buller River would go ahead.

Saturday morning we awoke to gloomy overhead conditions and rain, said Ned Tauwhare coordinator for the Rata Te Awhina Trust. Unperturbed by the weather the whanau from the Nelson Whakatu Marae were up early for a quick breakfast before heading to Marr's Beach to assemble the two purpose built 32 foot fiberglass Waka Ama outrigger canoes.

After karakia and safety instructions people were invited to have a go in the Waka. However around 8-30am the heavens opened and for an hour it poured down then eased to steady rain, it was then decided to pull the Waka out of the river and adjourn to the Carters Beach Hall close by said Mr. Tauwhare.

This gave the Nelson Whakatu Marae Club members a chance to give a power point presentation on the history and safety aspects of Waka Ama. For those who were not familiar with the history of the Waka it was a very informative in establishing Waka Ama on the West Coast and Buller regions.

After a short time the weather cleared to enable the Waka to be launched again for a series of promotional photographs, as the last time a (wooden Waka) would have been seen on the Buller River (Kawatiri) would have been in the 1800's.

After tautoko supplied by the Westport Lions Club it was back to the beach where the Tane from the Westport Fishing School and the staff of Rata Te Awhina helped to make this day the success it was.
Despite the conditions over 50 adults and children enjoyed this historic and memorable occasion said Mr. Tauwhare.

Photo shows both Waka belonging to Nelsons Whakatu Marae Waka Ama Club at a historic whanau day, held recently at Marr’s Beach near the mouth of the Buller (Kawatiri) River.

By Charles Bruning

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)
