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NKOA - Draft Governance restructure proposal

NKOA - Draft Governance restructure proposal

As most of you will be aware the Council of Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa have been working for the past 6 to 8 months on restructuring the governance of our sport.

This was identified as a one of the major goals in the Waka Ama strategic plan and will ensure a solid structure for our sport to achieve new successes and our shared vision.

Waka Ama has experienced many positives in recent times and this is certainly an exciting time for our sport.

There will be a meeting held in each region to consult regions, clubs and paddlers on the draft governance model, receive feedback and discuss Waka Ama in general.
The confirmed dates for meetings so far are:

10 June - TWOA (to be confirmed)
11 June - TTPCA
12 June - AROCA
13 June - Hoe Tonga
17 & 18 June - TUOTR
19 June - TPOTI
Venues and times to be confirmed shortly

Please review the draft governance restructure document.
If you wish to ask any questions or make comment via email please feel free to do so, email [email protected]
