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Hoe Matariki Terenga Paraoa Panui 2

Hoe Matariki Terenga Paraoa Panui 2

We have a lot of interest this year – therefore it is important that we know you are coming.

We had a couple of typo errors in our first panui so have highlighted important dates and times below:

Reminder Notices
* Early Bird registrations close this Wednesday 1st June 2011

* Important that you let us know if you are coming

* Race Schedule may change slightly depending on entries and waka

* one change may be the W6 10km running at 9.10a.m.,

* please be there for karakia and registrations early in case we have changes

* You will need to bring your own W1s

* If we know the numbers we can see what W6 waka are available

If we have an indication well before we can look at the Race Schedule early for you all. Any other matters you can contact me directly on email or phone.

Gail Ambler
Race Coordinator
Mobile : (021)873539
Email : [email protected]