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Stolen Wahu W1 from Parihaka Compound Whangarei

Sometime over the weekend either Friday or Saturday evening the compound along Riverside Drive Whangarei was broken into.

On the waterside of the compound half the fencing was cutback and a waka taken. The waka was a Wahu (W1) from Southern Outriggers, purple on top and white underneath, the waka is about 9 years old and looks like the purple one in the photo below.

It belongs to Geoff Hunter (027)281-2953.

If you have any information that may help in the recovery of this waka please contact Geoff directly or David McFarland (09)4362017 or (0274)305723
In the meantime if you have waka sitting at Kissing Point or in the compound please ensure you have a sturdy lock on it.

Mauri ora

Gail Ambler
Parihaka Sports Club Inc.
Mobile : 021-873539

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)
