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NKOA - Governance Proposal Meetings

NKOA - Governance Proposal Meetings

Just a reminder that Lara and NKOA regional reps will be meeting with each region in coming weeks to discuss and gain feedback on the Draft Governance proposal that is in circulation

Friday 10th June TWOA - 7:30PM at the Rowing Centre, Dunedin

Sunday 12th June AROCA - 3:30pm at the Epsom Community Centre, 200-02 Gillies Ave, Auckland

Monday 13th June HTPWA - 6:30pm at the NZ Police College

Thursday 16th June TTPCA - 10:00am at He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust building, Moerewa

Friday 17th June TUOTR - 6:00pm Tauawhi Men's Centre on Peel Street Gisborne

Saturday 18th June TUOTR - 12:30pm Napier (Venue TBA)

Sunday 19th June TPOTI - 10:30am Rotorua RSA

Sunday 19th June TPOTI - 4:00pm Hamiltion (Venue TBA)

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] or your regional NKOA rep.

Kind regards
