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Special Deals for Paddlers for Vaka Eiva 2011

Special Deals for Paddlers for Vaka Eiva 2011

As promised, here are the fantastic deals that our wonderful sponsors of Vaka Eiva are offering to all you paddlers.

Pacific Resort and Club Raro have been sponsors of Vaka Eiva for many years and we are delighted to have them on board again – Pacific Resort in the thick of the action at beautiful Muri Beach and Club Raro has long been a home away from home for many of our regular crews. We welcome The Edgewater Resort and Spa as first time sponsors of Vaka Eiva, who along with Pacific Resort and Club Raro are offering the best rates ever to our paddlers.

Island Car and Bike Hire and Budget are also long term supporters of Vaka Eiva and both offer great rates for scooters, cars or vans.

Please note that Budget Rentals are also offering special deals for you and you can contact them directly on
Phone (682) 20895 or email us at [email protected]

Without the support of our sponsors Vaka Eiva would certainly not be the event that it is today and as always, we encourage all of our paddlers to support those who support us!

If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me or the sponsors directly.

Our newsletter will be heading your way soon and watch out for more information on some exciting progamme changes on our website and by email!

Can’t wait to see all 900 of you in November!!!!

Kia orana e kia manuia


Victoria Dearlove
Event Coordinator
[email protected]
