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Paddlers looking for crew or Gubbi Gubbi Trans Tasman Event

3 junior paddlers from Gisborne are training hard for the Gubbi Gubbi event later this year.

Matahi Brightwell, from Mareikura Canoe Club is coaching Manea Swann (U/12 girl), Akayshia Williams(U/14 girl) from Mareikura Canoe Club and Kassana Waikari (U/16 girl) from Horouta Waka ama Club to compete in the W1 ruddered and rudderless races in the Trans Tasman Gubbi Gubbi sprint races held in Australia in September this year.The girls would love to paddle W6 and W2 mixed as well. They are seasoned waka ama competitors, and they are training hard towards the races. Are there any girls teams or boys interested to pick them up for the W6 and W2 mixed races?

Contact Matahi on 0211079200 if interested