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Te Aito Update

Te Aito Update

Day 1 of Te Aito saw Waiora Minhinnick aged 8 compete in her first Te Aito! She did really well and made it to the podium to recieve a trophy and a new paddle!

She was 1 of 110 J16, Intermediate and Midget paddlers that took part in the race today. It was awesome to see all those kids on the start line. The youngest paddler in the race was 5, this was his first aito, but I am pretty sure it will not be his last!

Day 2 will see 61 women, 98 J19 men and 643 Men race in Te Aito! The women adn Junior men will race at 9am and the men will start at 12noon.

643 men is a new record and will surely be a sight to see as they all line up on the beach at the same time for a mass start!
Women and j19 race 14km and men 28km.

NZ Paddlers racing Day 2:
Kingi Gilbert
Joshua Perese
Milla Brown
Kata Brown
Vesna Radonich
Te Ara Minhinnick
Tiahn Beuth Pukepuke
Maria Te Tohu
Ma Meti

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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