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Te Aito Day 2

Te Aito Day 2

Kiwi paddlers perfrom well at Te Aito in Tahiti

It was a very windy day, but that didn't stop around 800 paddlers turning out to Pt Venus, Mahina to take part in the biggest V1 race in the world!

The Women and Junior boys were first race of the day at 9am. 58 women and 110 Junior men on the start line. They raced 14km, in very difficult conditions.

Joshua Perese placed 94 in the Junior mens race, Vesna placed 11th in the womens race and 4th in the open catagory. Kata Brown, Tiahn Beuth Pukepuke, Milla Brown and Te Ara Minhinnick placed 6, 7, 8 & 9 respectively in the J16 women's catagory. Ma Meti came in 25th in the open and Maria Te Tohu was the 1st Senior Master women.

At 12:30pm the men lined up on the beach, Canoes as far as the eye could see! 643 men alongside 643 Va'a on the beach start line is an awesome sight to see! everyone wearing their race shirts and hats.

Kingi Gilbert was the only Kiwi in the race and he had a awesome race, coming in 121 out of 643. An excellent placing racing 24km against the best Va'a paddlers in the world!

The top 100 men and 25 women qualify to compete in the Super Aito in August.

Full results can be viewed at:

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