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Stolen - 2 blades (Auckland)

My car was stolen while I was at work yesterday, and unfortunately my blades were in the back seat and were taken as well.

One is a wooden, double bend, Xylo blade, with hot pink edging. It has a decal of a heart with the Hawaiian islands in it on the blade.
The other is a carbon fibre blade with wooden shaft, from this past Vaka Eiva Regatta. Black Blade with silver fern & Steinlager logo, it has a black patch on the middle of the blade where it was repaired.

I’m originally from Hawaii & have enjoyed becoming part of the Waka Ama Whanau here in Auckland over the past year.
I know the Waka Ama community is a tight one & I was just hoping that if I put the word out, that someone may see or find the paddles if someone tries to sell them. It really hurts me that something could happen like this in such a great place as NZ.

I’d really appreciate any help that you could give. Even if it’s just telling some friends & spreading the word.

Contact: Johanna Chapman
Mobile: 021 025-24321
Email: [email protected]