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Panui: Long Distance Nationals Race Schedule Change

Kia ora all - following feedback we have decided to change the race programme as below - please note that the original plan was to accommodate possible sea conditions at that time of year and to optimise the opportunity of completing the course in open water- therefore we still have Sunday morning as a reserve should the weather deteriorate.

Online entries will be up shortly and more details of the race venue and weekend events will follow.

Friday 7th October - (anticipated 1st race start 8.00am - planning to have races concluded by 1pm)
• W1 men – Ruddered/Non-ruddered
• W1 women – Ruddered/Non-ruddered
• W1 Juniors – Ruddered/Non-ruddered

Saturday morning 8th October - (W6 races will start at 8am with W2 at 10-15 minute delay)
• W6 Women’s
• W6 Mixed
• W2’s - all
• Junior’s W6

Saturday late Morning/Midday - W6 Mens - anticipated start 11.30am-12pm)

Stand Up Paddle Races will also be included in Saturday’s programme

Tim Marshall
Race Committee Chairperson