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Great turn out for inaugural Koroneihana Hoe Waka

Great turn out for inaugural Koroneihana Hoe Waka

A clear fine day after a frosty start greeted paddlers of the inaugural Koroneihana Hoe Waka on the Waikato River at Turangawaewae marae. The annual Koroneihana was made even busier with the addition of a waka ama W1/W2 regatta.

We had a good turn out of paddlers, both local and afar who came to support the race. The first race was the junior/novice 6km, where we had 22 waka on the start line.

The start line was 1.3km upstream so by the time paddlers got up there they were pretty much nacked, so they were given a short rest before starting the race. Brother and sister Rhei and Storme Pare were too strong and took out the fastest junior man and women. David and Les from WDBA won the W2 Novice/Jnr.

The second race of the day was the mens 16km and the womens & mixed 12km. However the race distances ended up being 18km and 13km respectively, due to some dodgy course setting that was blamed on a lack of a GPS! 33 waka were on the start line for the second race. By this time the temperature was a very warm 16 degrees. The men set off first, 5 mins before the women & mixed.

Racing was intense, and the lead changed many times. Local paddler Mike Rogerson who was leading the mens race at one stage lost his lead when he paddled past a buoy he was meant to turn on (He was actually the one who setup the course earlier that morning!) A few paddlers ended up in the drink, however due to the very cold river water, it didn’t take them long to get back into their waka. Local paddler Tonga White took out the mens race and Rachel Kingi took out the womens. WDBA’s Vonnie and Helen won the womens W2 with Marty and Iritana winning the mens W2.

Top whaanau award went to the Pare’s and the top club award went to Te Arawa Paddlers.

The organisers would like to thank all those who supported and attended the event and we look forward to seeing everyone back next year.

Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa.
Koroneihana Sports Committee, Nga Tai Whakarongo, TWS

Photos courtesy of Kui Paki


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