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Update on Governance

As you are hopefully all aware NKOA has been working hard this year to fulfil some key goals in our strategic plan, namely; To restructure the governance and update the constitution to reflect the strategic plan, the new governance model and the legal requirements of sports governance today.

This has been a lengthy process that has seen hui held in every region for clubs and their members to give input both directly and via their regional bodies. The result of these hui and consultation was the adoption of the new governance model that was passed unanimously at the NKOA Council meeting on 3rd July 2011.

Thank you to all those who have attended hui and/or gave feedback. Everyones input has been invaluable.

A major change in this governance review will be that clubs will now be direct members of Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa and each club will vote at the AGM.

The constitution has been updated with feedback and input from all of NKOA regions to reflect our new governance model, our mission, values and today’s legal requirements. But most importantly keeping the unique essence of our sport of Waka Ama intact. The constitution is in its final draft form and with your respective regional reps to vote on (in accordance with our current constitution).

The next step after approving the constitution is to call for nominations for Elected Board members. The Board will have 4 Elected Board members. Nominations can be received from Member Clubs or Member Regions. (Financial Member Clubs may nominate any individual; they do not need be a member of their own club).

A Nomination form will be posted on this website and nominations will be received up till midnight 12th September 2011.

The AGM will take place In Gisborne on 9th October at 11am (Venue TBC)

If you have any questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact your NKOA regional Rep or [email protected]
