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Club Tips - Does your club have a budget?

Club Tips - Does your club have a budget?

Well you should, and it’s pretty easy to do. All up it should take you less then 1 hour, and to help you out I have provided an excel template. So you have no excuses now!

Basically what we want to do is compare the amount of money coming in, to the amount of money going out, and make sure that your operating costs are covered.

This simple budget is aimed at your operating costs only, so if you are funding raising for a new canoe or other one-off projects, those expenses and associated income should be excluded.

Before we start there are a few things that my club does, that effect the numbers in the sample budget.
1. We run a regatta as a fundraiser to subsidise our operating costs.
2. We absorb the cost of ID cards (most people only need them once)
3. Our region charges a set fee regardless of the number of members
4. Uniforms are purchased directly by members at cost (so I have excluded them from this budget).

First we need to split our expenses into "fixed expenses" and "variable expenses"

Fixed Expenses are those expenses that are the same regardless of how many members we have, eg lease or insurance.

Variable Expenses are those expenses that are linked to the number of members, eg affiliation fees, ID cards and uniforms, etc

And lastly we list our income, from membership fees, fundraising etc

The attached template is setup so that you should only need to change the YELLOW BOXES.

Once you have entered all your expenses, you can change the number of members and membership fees, to see if you are in profit, or how much you need to fundraise to make up the difference.

Simple as that...

If you find this template useful please let me know and I might write up some more articles.

Any questions, comments, feedback to [email protected]
