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Voting for Board Elections

Under the new constituion each "Member Club" has the right to vote at the AGM (previously only regions could vote)

Member Clubs are entitled to vote for the election of "Elected" Board Members.

A Member Club's number of votes is equal to the total number of NKOA Affiliated Individuals as at, the end of the Financial Year (June 30)

If Tauranga Outriggers has 20 NKOA affiliated members as at 30 June, then there vote is worth 20

While a paddler can be a member of several clubs, they only pay an NKOA affiliation fee once. Their vote will only be counted for the club that paid their NKOA affiliation fee.

Special Circumstances for 2011
Normally voting at the AGM would be based on the number of affiliated members as at 30 June (end of financial year).

Because the new constitution came into force after 30 June, for the 2011 AGM, we will be counting the total number of NKOA affiliated paddlers between 1 July 2010 and 5pm on 6 October 2011.

To affiliate a paddler, you need to click on the "renew" link next to each paddler in your membership list.

Any clubs that have outstanding affiliation fees from last season will not be able to vote.

1. Make sure you have paid last years fees up to date
2. Renew any members that you want to count as votes (prior to 5pm on 6 October 2011)
3. You will have until 1 December to pay for affiliation fees of those newly affiliated members

To see how many votes your club will have, check this list