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Club Tips - Yellow Pages Deliveries

Club Tips - Yellow Pages Deliveries

For the past 3 years our club has used the Yellow Pages phone book deliveries as a major fundraiser.

Thanks to Yellow Pages deliveries plus funding grants we have been able to purchase some new canoes for our club.

As much as it pains me to share our hard earned knowledge and secrets, I am sharing them for the greater good, plus I am not sure how much longer the Yellow Pages deliveries will be around, so make the most of it while you can.

There are various sized delivery runs available, from about 1,000 books up. Our club tenders for a delivery run which involves delivering 13,000 phone books.

So before I even get started, if you are planning on delivering 13,000 books, you will need the commitment of about 80 clubbies + whanau to make it happen.
(Obviously it will be easier manage with a smaller run)

Our Recipe
1x Super Organiser Person
1x Big Shed
1x Person with a Truck and H/T Licence
1x Forklift
10x Trailers and Cars to Tow them
10x Trestle Tables
10x Empty Pallets
80x clubbies

1. Start out by tendering for the run. (contact details at end). If you are not sure what price to tender, talk to the yellow pages contact, and they will suggest a range you can tender. Tenders are confidential, so please don't ask what we tender, as we can't tell you.

2. Once you have won a contract and have it signed off, you are going to need a big shed. 13,000 phone books come on about 12 pallets. We have a 16m x 10m shed and it works out just right. Arrange your truck driver and forklift to make the deliveries.

3. Bagging night
All the books need to get unwrapped, bagged and stacked on the empty pallets. We get as many members as possible and their whanau (the kids love doing it). This year was our record, it took about 2.5hrs

We like to make our fundraisers fun, so we have a bake-off with prizes for the best baking, and order a great big stack of pizzas for everyone at the end.

4. D-Day. (Delivery Day)
We form into teams of 3, 1 driver 2 runners/walkers or into teams of 4 if the runners are not-so-good, so they can rotate.
Each team has a car and trailer.

We split the map into sections and assign a team to each section and off you go. We start at 7am and finish up around 1pm. Our super organiser person back at the shed keeps tabs on which teams have finished and can get the faster teams to help in other areas if that haven't been completed yet.

We have someone manning the BBQ and food and drinks down at the shed for the teams when they get back.

5. Clean up
All the various clean up jobs come into play now.
- Return pallets
- Return trailers
- Dump the rubbish

6. Rectifications Duty
For about 4 week after the deliveries, you will get emailed any missed deliveries and damaged books, and you need to have someone go out once or twice a week and drop them off. This usually amounts to about 50 books.

7. Enjoy the fruits of your labour
Done and dusted. I may have made it sound easy, and it is, IF you have a big group of committed members and a super organiser person in charge. Like I said at the start, this really is a whole club commitment.

That's it! our club only does 2 fundraisers per year, that was one of them, I'll tell you about the other fundraiser, another time.

If you have any questions or find these articles useful, just drop us a email at [email protected] and that will encourage us to write some more.

Alex Ryder
Tauranga Moana Outrigger Canoe Club

Contact Details for Yellow Pages
[email protected]
* The books are delivered at all different time of the year so they may not get a response immediately it just depends on the workload.

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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