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Gizzy Girls getting ready for Gubbi Gubbi Trans Tasman Challenge!!

Gizzy Girls getting ready for Gubbi Gubbi Trans Tasman Challenge!!

One week of training to go and it’s all ON…Manea Swann will be competing in the Under 12 girls Division, Akayshia Williams in the Under 14 girls Division and Kassana Te Aho-Waikari in the Under 16 girls Division at the Gubbi Gubbi Trans Tasman Challenge on lake Kawana, near Brisbane.

3 days of racing with W6 250m and 500m (with a turn) races teaming up with TOA Waka ama and Auckland based paddlers, W2 mixed races and W1 ruddered and non ruddered races.
Training started way back in May, when the girls picked up the Aussie challenge. They formed a tight team, and under the coaching of Matahi Brightwell supported one another through the hard winter yards. They are rearing to go, and looking forward to racing against Australian youth.

A BIG THANKS to sponsors Peter Boyd from Kia ora Aotearoa Ltd (C4 standup paddle boards and outriggers paddles) for our big paddle raffle, and MAJOR THUMBS UP to Hiria and Tinikai from East Coast paddlers shop at Mount Maunganui for the uniforms and the AWESOME NEW PADDLES

And HUGE THANKS to Mareikura Canoe Club and Horouta Waka Hoe members for backing all fundraising efforts, and to whanau for standing by them through thick and thin. THANK YOU!

Photo: Kassana Te Aho-Waikari (Horouta Waka Hoe), Akayshia Williams and Manea Swann (Mareikura Canoe Club) admire their new Waterman Hawaiian paddles and uniform

more info available at http://aocra.com.au/