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Trans Tasman Gubbi Gubbi Waka Ama - FROM AOCRA

Trans Tasman Gubbi Gubbi Waka Ama - FROM AOCRA

Well 2 more sleeps until racing gets underway at the first ever Trans Tasman Gubbi Gubbi Waka Ama here on the Sunshine Coast.

We have attached a copy of the program of events for the long weekend and advise that there has been a change to the night time proceedings.

We will have a Meet & Greet under lights on the Saturday night on the foreshore of the lake where light salads and cold cuts will be served.

So tell the kids to bring along items to swap and trade.

Due to the demands of the cultural night we have moved the evening to the Sunday night and it will now be held indoors in the brand new stadium across the road where you will be entertained by our own local dance troop “Gubbi Gubbi Dance”.

For those who were wondering about the race draw, the draw will not be available until the Saturday morning prior to racing given the receipt of some late nominations.

Early race registration will commence at the lake on Friday afternoon and run from 3:00pm until 5:00pm where you can collect your TTGGWA Race Pack.

See you all very soon.


AOCRA & Junior Development
