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ACE'S Race Update

ACE'S Race Update

Further Info about Ace's Race coming up at the end of this month. It will be a great occasion to honour and remember a great man and a legend of our sport.

It had been merely hours earlier that we’d put Ace to rest in the bosom of Papatuanuku but the feast that followed and the opportunity to catch up with people and share some more memories and laughter was great.
So in to the night we continued to reflect on this great man and our own paddling ambitions and from this time of brain storming and dreaming the idea of a memorial race for Ace emerged. It has since evolved in to the race that is now taking place.

Friday, 28 October 2011
Ace’s Headstone Unveiling

Saturday, 29 October 2011
Aratika to Tamaki Estuary – 23k W6 Ironman Race

Sunday, 30 October 2011
Tamaki Estuary - W1, W2, W6, Sup boards –Seniors and Juniors
Midgets and Intermediates – sprints

Contact Details
Deborah Misiuepa mob: 0221 034 450
Raela Cuthers mob: 021 876 291
Email: [email protected]

Online entries at www.acerace.co.nz

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

ace race logo.png 1024-a0.jpg 200-0.jpg