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Results - Waka Te Tasman (Updated)

Results - Waka Te Tasman (Updated)

Results from the Waka Te Tasman race, held 11/12 Nov 2011

A huge thank you from the Motueka Waka Ama Club to everyone who was there, paddlers, organisers, helpers and spectators for making it such an awesome weekend of paddling. Thank you also to our sponsors the Kaiteriteri Recreation Reserve Board and Whakatu Incorporation.

It was our biggest event yet with over 200 paddlers from both islands and thank you to all those who traveled long distances to attend. It was awesome to have so many Wellington paddlers and a team from Napier this year. Please spread the word. We’d love to have more North Island paddlers crossing the ditch for a weekend of southern hospitality and fun waka ama racing. Fantastic to once again see so many Christchurch paddlers. We really appreciate your participation after such a big year of earthquakes and recovery. A special thank you to those who towed and loaned waka from Dunedin, Christchurch, Golden Bay and Nelson.

W1, W2 and W6 novice and rangatahi races were held Friday evening. Conditions were windy and choppy providing challenge to novice paddlers who for many it was their first race. Saturday started with rain, which cleared to a beautiful sunny Kaiteriteri day. The sea was flat calm and racing was smooth and fast.

The W6 Open and Masters three-stage race started with a 1km sprint back to Kaiteriteri beach and then 8km and 12km races. Running starts off the beach were fun and humorous when steerers clambered to get into an already moving waka. The option of changing paddlers between races gave more people a chance to participate. Handicaps for the faster boats created challenge and competition for everyone and exciting close finishes.

The Prize Giving and Dinner were held at the Shoreline Café. Congratulations to all the winners and the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club who won the club participation trophy.
Afterwards some paddlers relaxed and enjoyed the calm clear evening with a sing a long on the café decking by the beach. For those who felt like more there was music and dancing at ‘The Beached Whale’ next door.

Sorry we have no photos. If you have any please put them up on the NKOA news archive for sharing.

Once again we thank everyone for their participation and sportsmanship. Your support made Waka te Tasman such a fun successful paddling event.
We look forward to seeing you at Kaiteriteri again in 2012.

