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DVD Waka Ama Sprint Racing: The Basics

DVD Waka Ama Sprint Racing: The Basics

We are very excited to bring you this DVD which is designed to aid any novice coach or first time paddler.

Corrina Gage, will take you through the foundational skills required to participate in six-person Waka Ama sprint races.

We are currently having copies made so that early in december every club and secondary school will receive a DVD in the post. the DVD comes complete with a written guide that complements the visual presentation.

Within the DVD Corrina has offered the basics that she would teach as a guideline for novice coaches and paddlers.

We are delighted with the end result of this DVD and we hope you find it beneficial. It is certainly a valuable resource that will aid many waka ama paddlers in the future.

We have uploaded the DVD to youtube so you can check it out now.
