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TPOTI 2011 - W6 Sprints Lane Draw


Race Directors are: Waki Simon (Turangawaewae Waka Sports) & Hakopa Ngapo (Rahui Pokeka Waka Sports)

Race Managers/Lane Managers: Ric Grocott (Waikato Dragon Boating Association/Waikato Waka Ama) & Kim Barclay-Kerr, Pare Rata (Te Toki Voyaging Trust)

Organising Committee: Representatives from: Nga Tai Whakarongo, Te Toki Voyaging Trust, Turangawaewae Waka Sports, Rahui Pokeka Waka Sports & Waikato Dragon Boating Association/Waikato Waka Ama
Payment of Entries & Affiliation Fee
Some clubs have not entered paddler rosters for teams entered, therefore it is important that all club coordinators/administrators print their team entries be prepared to pay to Heeni prior to racing on Saturday and Sunday morning. There are also a huge number of clubs that are yet to pay their TPOTI affiliation fee. As always, this affiliation fee needs to be paid before your club takes to the water this weekend. Thank you to those clubs who have paid Regional and Affiliation Fees.

To all Club Coordinators
1. With 81 races on the schedule for Saturday racing and to avoid the afternoon winds, all junior races will be held in the morning. Please ensure junior teams are ready for the first call at 7.45am.

2. First race will be 8am (Races will not be held for teams yet to arrive)

3. Midgets will be the first race

4. Race Briefing will now be at 7.30am (coordinators ONLY!!! – not coaches/managers/parents)

5. Karakia will follow Briefing

6. Any queries etc… must be made to Admin through club coordinators only

Here are the areas that will be addressed during W6 & W1 BRIEFING. Please come prepared with questions and queries (to save time):-
W6 Briefing
1. Starting

a. False start line

b. Flags – white (false start line), red (when the first 3 are on the false start line – flag will raise for waka to head up to start line and hold), green flag (within 30 seconds of the red flag raising)

2. Time penalty
i. waka over start line
ii. turn fault
iii. finish outside lane
iv. No DQ’s

3. Midgets & Intermediate Steerers
i. Adult or older steerers must rudder steer only!
ii. First time intermediate steerers – lots of queries from clubs – Race Directors will allow support for Midgets & Intermediate Teams
iii. In cases where Midget & Intermediate teams are 75m behind (last team in the race), adult steerers may assist with paddling to encourage paddlers to finish race (last team only) – to help maintain the mana of our juniors

4. Marshalling/Loading Area i. 81 races – be efficient please – get teams to marshalling tent promptly
ii. Make sure Midget & Intermediate teams have at least 2 coaches with them
iii. No parents/whanau in the loading bay – including cheerleaders

5. No Protests for W6 Regatta (any concerns, make sure the club coordinator addresses with admin team)

W1 Briefing
· Ensure you have enough waka for your W1 paddlers as races will not be held up for any paddler that is waiting for their waka

· There will be no DQ’s but use of time penalties for infringements

· Over the line at the start = 15 sec time penalty (verbal warning given once)

· Finishing outside of lane = 5 seconds time penalty

· Impeding on another paddler = 10 sec time penalty

· If a blade breaks within 50 meters – you must raise your blade, high in the air – to re-run race

Look forward to seeing everyone there – especially coordinators at 7.30am for briefing.
