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Nga Kaihoe O Aotearoa (Waka Ama New Zealand) Incorporated - Appointed Board Members

Nga Kaihoe O Aotearoa (Waka Ama New Zealand) Incorporated - Appointed Board Members

The Board appointment selection process has been completed and we can confirm the appointment of 3 Board Members to the board of Nga Kaihoe O Aotearoa (Waka Ama New Zealand) Inc.

We are pleased to announce the 3 successful applicants are:

Meka Whaitiri
Paul Dahl
Tim Marshall

Thank you to all those who made application.

The full board are:

Danielle Rouse
Caren Fox
Meka Whaitiri
Paora Howe
Paul Dahl
Tim Marshall
Lara Collins

We would like to thank the previous executive of NKOA; Lara Collins, Corrina Gage, Charmaine Matiaha and Alex Ryder along with the Representatives from each region who made up the NKOA Council, for their work over the past three years to help us to reach this point.

We look forward to more exciting times ahead.