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Mitamitaga Regatta

A huge thanks to all those that attended the Mitamitaga regatta on Saturday. To those teams that travelled from North and from Auckland, we truly appreciated you all being there to share a great day. The racing was awesome and a huge buzz for us this year was that so many tamariki/rangatahi participated, our biggest youth numbers for a mighty long time, yehaaa, bring it on!

Thanks to all the coaches/managers of those teams for organising your kids to come up, (Izzy from Kaipara, you're the winner on the day bringing 45 youth up, J16's & J19's), mean!!

The biggest thanks for our day has to be to the Rotary Club of Whangarei City members who gave their personal Saturday up to come out and help our club run the regatta. Their help at our regatta shows true community spirit which is what they are known for, but they go above and beyond and have become a part of our waka ama whanau.

See you all same time, same place, just different year, 2012!

Mitamitaga Ole Pasefika Vaa'alo Canoe Club