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Nats 2012- WT12 Combined Crews for Nationals 2012 (UPDATE)

We have recieved a number of queries regarding WT12 combined crews and inparticular how to enter them. There has been a change in the rules this year which allows clubs to form combined teams across all divisions if they do not have enough paddlers to form a team within their own club first.

The rule reads:
21.7 Crew composition: W6 crews shall be made up of competitors from one club. WT12 crews can be made up of competitors from up to two clubs from the same region in any division provided the clubs in question do not have sufficient paddlers to form their own, stand-alone, WT12 crews. A WT12 crew made up of 2 clubs may be a combination of any number of paddlers from those two clubs. They must satisfy all other rules as specified in this document.

- The change in this rule was done to allow those crews who could not otherwise paddle W12, have the opportunity to paddle.
- Teams must be made from existing club crews in the first instance
- After all possible W12 teams have been made from within your club, Any crew/s left over may combine with another club who has a team or paddlers in a similar position.

Example: If you have 1 Master Womens team and 1 open womens team in your club, then you would combine those teams to make 1 Open Womens W12.

As in previous years these combined crews are classed as regional entries and will need to be entered by the region. (Only the team name needs to be entered, as long as the paddlers are on the club roster that is fine)

If you are a 2 clubs combining teams and paddlers to make WT12 crews please contact your region who will need to follow through with this entry

Please contact [email protected] if you have any queries.