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Nga Hoe Horo Regatta 10 December 2011 Lake Ngatu

The weather forecast for the day was gale force wind, however as most paddlers at Lake Ngatu on Saturday 10 Dec would tell you, “it was a little gusty and its great practice for the afternoon races at Lake Karapiro in January,”

The Nga Hoe Horo Annual Regatta was well attended with 23 Teams registered in Open to Snr Master Grades. Juniors registered individually with one hundred and three youth from midgets to J19 from all over the Tai Tokerau Region paddling in team and W1 events. 59 Youth paddlers received spot prizes during the regatta an appreciated tradition (by the youth of course). To encourage the growth of second and third Generation Tai Tokerau Paddlers, junior grades were exempted from paying registration.

As advertised the day was great fun for whanau, however you can’t hold a great paddler back and the competition was just as fierce amongst midgets as it was amongst Golden Masters paddling in the Senior Masters division.
The Premier Hone Tamati race was as ever a great race to watch - in fact because of the day’s conditions, all races kept us on the edge of our seats.

We thank all the back room mums, dads, coaches and all volunteers of Nga Hoe Horo club and the clubs that attended for their great support, our Race Directors Nyree King and Tony Clutterbuck for running a great show.

We take this opportunity to wish the paddling Whanau Whanui a joyous Christmas and Happy New Year.
