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Nats 2012 - It's on!!!!! Nats 2012 - It's on!!!!! Nats 2012 - It's on!!!!!

Nats 2012 - It's on!!!!!

The 2012 New Zealand Post Waka Ama Sprint Nationals is under-way, so make sure you get down to Karapiro and support the teams, as they battle it out for Gold.

Unfortunately we don't have live-streaming this year, but....

We do have Opa Roozy, who will be throwing together some movies during the week with that video camera that I am sure is permanently stuck to his hand.

We are also lucky enough to have Garrick from Studio5 again, he will be onsite all week snapping those amazing photos of the action, so keep an eye out for those.

And the queen of facebook "Lara Collins" herself, will be loading facebook updates, all week long...

Juniors racing starts today 7.30am, come and join in the action.

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