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New Zealand Post Waka Ama Sprint Nationals Club Points 2012

New Zealand Post Waka Ama Sprint Nationals Club Points 2012

Nga Kaihoe O Aotearoa would like to apologise to both Turangawaewae Waka Sports & Horouta Waka Hoe for an error that occured in the allocation of club points at last weeks Nationals

The error was made on the last day of racing and Turangawaewae Waka Sports was announced as the winner of the club Points Trophy. The winner should have been announced as Horouta Waka Hoe, who successfully defended the trophy for the 2nd year in this trophies life.

Both clubs were outstanding throughout the week, Turangawaewae lead the points through the first part of the week with all their junior teams showing they are a force to be reckoned with and are a real strength in Waka Ama. This junior success will provide the club and the sport with a legacy for years to come.

Horouta's consistent performance throughout the week and their strong finish with outstanding adult w1 paddlers Thursday and W6 teams on Saturday meant they are truly the top club for 2012. An outstanding achievement from Horouta who made 38 finals out of a possible 57 finals during the week.

The effort that goes into achieving these results does not just happen "on the day" there are thousands of hours of training, coaching, co-ordination and dedication of paddlers, whanau and an entire community that makes this achievement a reality.

Nga Kaihoe O Aotearoa apologise to both clubs for the error in points calculation and any distress this has caused to paddlers, club and whanau. We will ensure that a daily tally of points is posted at next years event so no confusion is caused at the end of the week.

Turangawaewae Waka Sports as current kaitiaki of the club points trophy are graciously travelling to Gisborne this Saturday to personally hand over the trophy to Horouta Waka Hoe as rightful recipients.
