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Portage Crossing 20th year anniversary 11th Crossing

Portage Crossing 20th year anniversary 11th Crossing

Awesome line up of N.Z talent performing at Mangere Bridge Waterfront Rd Reserve family festival.

Spectators await paddlers that would have paddled 15k from Okahu Bay down the Tamaki Estuary to the ramp at Auckland Rowing Club.

Then pushed their waka or Kayak on single axle trailers or trolleys 5k...yes that's right Kayaks have registered for the first time, and paddled a further 5k up the Mangere Inlet past the two Mangere Bridges turning at the green buoy at Hillsborough and back to Mangere Bridge Waterfront Rd Reserve.

Paddlers will be welcomed onto the reserve once they complete the course, as the spring tide allows waka to come up on to festival site. A prize giving will take place with medals for first second and third place of each division, and then t-shirts handed to each paddler, and lunch served, while the festival reassumes. Don't miss a great day, and an excellent warm up for the Takapuna Cup.

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