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Worlds 2012 - Looking for Senior Master Men

Worlds 2012 - Looking for Senior Master Men

Attention: Senior Master Men, Manukau Outriggers are calling for experienced Senior Master Men who are able to commit time, energy and $ to being part of a dynamic Senior Master Men’s squad to compete in Calgary at the Worlds Sprints this year.

We currently have 8 quality paddlers and are looking for more to compliment our Senior Master Men’s contingent.

We will be running day camps at Ian Shaw Park, Mt Wellington. These day camps will be leading up to the Worlds qualifying event currently scheduled for Easter weekend (6-9/04/12).

There are many more details and can be released to you upon you making your expression of interest known to us. If you think you might like to join us or just to discuss further – please contact/ring/text either myself of the Senior Master Men’s coach in the first instance on the contact details below

Mauri ora
Manukau Outriggers Coaching Team

SMM COACH: Tim Tapsell
[email protected]

Current Manager
CC 021878844
[email protected]