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Results - Bhutty Race

Results - Bhutty Race

Thanks so much for the great 2 days. It was awesome to watch the great racing and see everyone enjoying the conditions. Reports said lite winds, but James stepped up for us and gave everyone what they came for. Sun, Surf and great people.

I will have photos up all our facebook page later and will working on a video as i got some great shots of you all carving up.

Thanks for taking on the 32km challenge and honouring James. He was a great man that loved those conditions And stoked we all got to share it together. A few people never finished but James made sure they got home safely. Hard luck to Ray and Jahman who never got to the startline. Conan had a long walk up the beach after getting taken out too close to the beach.

Keep up the Training for Bo herberts Memorial, Trans Taupo and King of the Harbour.

Special thanks to all the helpers leading up to the race and on race day. Jacqui our admin queen and time keeper. Your a legend.

Paul Roozendaal


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