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Photos - Bhutty Race Photos - Bhutty Race

Photos - Bhutty Race

Some pics and vid's from the Bhutty race, held on 5th-6th Feb 2012. James Moore-Morial 32k Downwind Event from Maketu to Mt Maunganui. Courtesy of Opa Roozy

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

Bhutty Race 1 116.JPG Bhutty Race 1 163.JPG Bhutty Race 1 173.JPG Bhutty Race 1 180.JPG Bhutty Race 1 192.JPG Bhutty Race 1 209.JPG Bhutty Race 1 240.JPG Bhutty relay race 035.JPG Bhutty relay race 186.JPG Bhutty relay race 110.JPG Bhutty relay race 200.JPG

Video Gallery