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AROCA 10km Series Race 1 Report - Takapuna Beach AROCA 10km Series Race 1 Report - Takapuna Beach

AROCA 10km Series Race 1 Report - Takapuna Beach

On behalf of AROCA and the members and supporters of Akarana Dragon Sports, we would like to thank everyone from the Auckland region who turned up to Takapuna Beach to participate in Race 1 out of 10 - AROCA 10KM Series. A special thanks has to go out to our visitors from Gisborne Kiwi and her crew Kaiarahi TOA as well as Horouta veterans Rawiri Takao ad Bruce Campbell. We would also like to thank other individual paddlers from outside the region who attended.

We had a very good turnout from all ages and levels which is what the AROCA 10KM Series is all about.

The AROCA 10km Series was re-introduced to bring back Grass Roots paddling, to help develop paddlers of all levels, to introduce the sport and culture to those unaware of our unique sport but more importantly to allow the die hard Waka Ama paddlers of all ages to be able to get together for a day and slug it out either socially or competitively, for some crews it was all about bragging rights, for others it was about achieving a goal as did some of our Novice crews from Waitakere and Aratika, it was pleasing to see our paddlers get out on the water.

The day started with the Open Women's race which saw National Champions Kaiarahi Toa from Gisborne take out the race comfortably and taking out second place overall behind Takapuna Beach Cup Champions Maioha / Pineula of Akarana. Up and Coming paddlers from Manukau J19 Girls came in 4th overall behind their Open Women crew Ahurei, its good to see the development in Manukau is strong.

We had Worlds crews racing in the event as part of their preparation for Canada, we had Sugar and her AROCA Wahinez come through 1st in the Masters just behind the AROCA Open Women crew Team Hingaia and in the Open Men's W6 we had our crew Team Pineula of Akarana just edge out rivals Vaka Manu from Manukau, Vaka Manu didn't give up throughout which made for a great race in good old fashion AROCA spirit. Also during the men's race we had a surprise entry in Former National Champions and respected paddlers from Akarana known as Team Phoenix and although front man Brent Whitcombe stated that they were just coming to have a play, it sure looked like more than just play, still showing they have the goods and although having been semi-retired from paddling, they still managed edge out neighbors Taniwha Grizzlies at the final run, again great to see these Masters go at each other, bragging rights to Team Phoenix on this occasion.

Up and coming J19 Boys from Manukau produced a good result, a strong future if these boys keep at it as well as our J16 Teams that were out there. A good turn out and once again as seen in the Men's race was a tight finish coming down to the Beach finish run, a little controversial but good sportsmanship overcame the little crash finish, Avaiki from Akarana by a nose ahead of their AROCA rivals.

The singles event had a good showing in both the Women's and the Men's with the option of a rudder or no rudder not making a difference in AROCA, it is based on pick your craft, as we all know, some days it is good to have a rudder, other days it is good to have no rudder so we want to encourage paddlers to try either one and the one that makes you enjoy paddling is the recommended craft although in some opinion, it is seen that their may be bit more mana in completing a race in the rudderless maybe because of the skill required which can prove to be difficult, it is personal opinion and preference at the end of the day as you long as you are having fun.

National champion Vesna Radonich took out the Open Women's 5km event ahead of talented sisters Kata and Milla Brown both in the V1 canoe, while in the Men's Shannon Moon opts for the rudder which proves dividends as he takes out the Men's ahead of team mate Jeff Ah Kuoi followed by Mark Malaki-Williams in his favored rudderless canoe, a very good effort. Julia Pu-Tipokoroa took out Master Women of Waitakere while fellow club member Anthony Cribb took out the Master Men's. (For full results please see attached).

Finally, a big thanks from Akarana again for your support and attending the event as this was a fundraiser for our two open crews going to Canada, a special thanks from Team Pineula, Maioha to the parents of Avaiki who manned our key areas during the race and to Sheena for her support also and to Tim Jones for taking the lead on the water as our main Support boat and to Richard Schuster for the other support boat.

A special thanks goes out to Stacey Wilcox of Water Safe Auckland for their life jackets and support during the event, we would also like to thank Maata and Marty Strecker of XYLO BLADZ, Daniella and Mike from BOXING ALLEY in Parnell, to Nestles for their contributions.

We hope to see you all at Race 2 of the AROCA 10km Series, please keep an eye out on the waka ama website for the details of the Race 2 which looks to be Saturday 12th May, BE SAFE, Go HARD and HAVE FUN!

Faáfetai Lava!
