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Outward Bound Opportunity Outward Bound Opportunity

Outward Bound Opportunity

We are very pleased to announce a new partnership we have with Outward Bound. We are currently seeking one Waka Ama Member aged between 27 and 40 to attend a fully funded Outward Bound Course in September.

The successful individual will attend a fully funded 8 day Discovery Outward Bound Course. (Valued around $3000)

That individual will become the Waka Ama NZ /Outward Bound Champion and will help to promote Outward Bound and our Outward Bound Partnership to our membership after they have completed their Outward Bound journey.

We are asking Regions to submit nominations (one per Region) of individuals to be considered for this opportunity by 29TH June. The Board of Nga Kaihoe O Aotearoa (Waka Ama NZ) Inc will make a decision on the Successful individual.

The successful individual must then carry out all medical and physical requirements on Outward Bound, before they can be confirmed by Outward Bound.

What is Discovery Outward Bound course?
Discovery is an 8 day Outward Bound experience. for people aged 27-40 years.

You will discover your potential in the sea, rivers, native bush and mountains that encompass the Outward Bound environment. Life balance takes on a new meaning when you are walking on a log 40 feet above the ground. This compact and challenging course will enable you to have some time-out to reflect and push your limits.

Some of the benefits you will get from a discovery course are :
1. Challenge your limits, conquer your fears and know you can do it.
2. Re-evaluate what is important to you.
3. Time to yourself to reflect and consider your next opportunities.
4. Rejuvenate and boost your appreciation for life.
5. Share related and different life experiences and understand what is required for effective relationships.

For more information about Outward Bound check out: http://www.outwardbound.co.nz/

Regional Application forms are to be returned [email protected] by 29th June 2012

Applicants must be able to meet the physical requirements of the course and must meet the Outward Bound medical check.

Please forward any questions to [email protected]


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